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EdgeDetect-Operator  Example 

This operator uses an advanced algorithm to detect edges within an image.
In contrary to commonly applied methods (e.g. a simple convolution-matrix)
the detected edges are left in original colors. Furthermore, "weak edges" 
can be suppressed adjusting the contrast-value.


Name        Possible Values/Unit            Description

Input       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       input buffer
Ouput       STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8       output buffer
Contrast    0...255                         minimum "intensity" of edges

Since version 3.74 all numerical parameters are adjusted from within
the  Parameter-Settings -Window.

1) Very small contrast values usually produce no edges but in some
   cases very "interesting" images.
2) Nasty "dots" can be removed using the   RIP -PlugIn
3) All intensities are measured using luminance weights